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is still the case when we allow p -adic coe cients for some p
that the quaternion algebra is ramified at p . Otherwise, it is split at p .
A maximal order O
in a quaternion algebra
is a subring of
that is
finitely generated as an additive abelian group, and such that if
is a ring
with O⊆R⊆Q and such that R is finitely generated as an additive abelian
group, then O = R . For example, consider the Hamiltonian quaternions H .
The subring Z + Zi + Zj + Zk is finitely generated as an additive abelian
group, but it is not a maximal order since it is contained in
O = Z + Zi + Zj + Z 1+ i + j + k
It is not hard to show that O is a ring, and it can be shown that it is a
maximal order of H .
The main theorem on endomorphism rings is the following. For a proof, see
Let E be an elliptic curve over a finitefie d of characteristic p .
1. If E isordinary (that is, # E [ p ]= p ), then E nd ( E ) isanorderinan
imaginary quadraticfie d.
2. If E is supersingular (that is, # E [ p ]=1 ), then E nd ( E ) isamaximal
order in a definitequaternion algebra that isramified at p and and
issplitatthe other primes.
If E is an elliptic curve defined over Q and p is a prime where E has good
reduction, then it can be shown that End( E ) injects into End( E mod p ).
Therefore, if E has complex multiplication by an order R in an imaginary
quadratic field, then the endomorphism ring of E mod p contains R .If E
mod p is ordinary, then R is of finite index in the endomorphism ring of
E mod p . However, if E mod p is supersingular, then there are many more
endomorphisms, since the endomorphism ring is noncommutative in this case.
The following result shows how to decide when E mod p is ordinary and when
it is supersingular.
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q with g ood r eduction at p .Suppose
E has com plex m ultiplication by an order in Q ( −D ) .If −D isdivisibleby
p ,orif −D is not a square m od p ,then E mod p is supersingular. If −D is
a n on zero squ are m od p ,then E mod p isordinary.
For a proof, see [70, p. 182].
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