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Then γx
K . It follows that I 1 and I 2 are equivalent ideals.
Therefore, we have a bijection
I 2
K ,so γ
Homothety classes of lattices L
with RL
Equivalence classes of
nonzero ideals of R
It can be shown that the set of equivalence classes of ideals is finite (when
R = O K , this is just the finiteness of the class number). Therefore, the set of
homothety classes is finite. This observation has the following consequence.
Let R be an order inanimaginary quadraticfieldand et L be a lattice su ch
that RL ⊆ L .Then j ( L ) isalgebraic over Q .
PROOF Let E be the elliptic curve corresponding to L . We may assume
that E is given by an equation y 2 =4 x 3
−g 2 x−g 3 .Let σ be an automorphism
of C .Let E σ be the curve y 2 =4 x 3
−σ ( g 2 ) x−σ ( g 3 ). If α is an endomorphism
of E ,then α σ is an endomorphism of E σ ,where α σ means applying σ to all
of the coe cients of the rational functions describing α .Thisimpliesthat
End( E σ ) .
End( E )
Therefore, the lattice corresponding to E σ belongs to one of the finitely many
homothety classes of lattices containing R in their endomorphism rings (there
is a technicality here; see Exercise 10.2). Since σ ( j ( L )) is the j -invariant
of E σ , we conclude that j ( L ) has only finitely many possible images under
automorphisms of C . This implies (see Appendix C) that j ( L ) is algebraic
over Q .
In Section 10.3, we'll prove the stronger result that j ( L ) is an algebraic
Let K be an imaginary quadraticfie d.
1. Let τ ∈H .Then C / ( Z τ + Z ) has com plex m ultiplication by som e order
in K ifand onlyif τ ∈ K .
2. If τ
∈H iscontained in K ,then j ( τ ) isalgebraic.
PROOF We have already shown (see (10.1)) that if there is complex mul-
tiplication by an order in K then τ
K . Conversely, suppose τ
K .Then
τ satisfies a relation
2 + + c,
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