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Therefore, the map
gives a map
( x, y )=( ( z ) ,℘ ( z ))
( ( iz ) ,℘ ( iz )) = (
x, iy ) .
This is a homomorphism from E ( C )to E ( C ) and it is clearly given by rational
functions. Therefore, it is an endomorphism of E , as in Section 2.9. Let
Z [ i ]= {a + bi | a, b ∈ Z }.
Then Z [ i ] is a ring, and multiplication by elements of Z [ i ] sends L into it-
self. Correspondingly, if a + bi ∈ Z [ i ]and( x, y ) ∈ E ( C ), then we obtain an
endomorphism of E defined by
( x, y ) ( a + bi )( x, y )= a ( x, y )+ b ( −x, iy ) .
Since multiplication by a and b can be expressed by rational functions, mul-
tiplication of points by a + bi is an endomorphism of E , as in Section 2.9.
Z [ i ] End( E ) ,
where End( E ) denotes the ring of endomorphisms of E . (We'll show later
that this is an equality.) Therefore, End( E ) is strictly larger than Z ,so E
has complex multiplication. Just as Z [ i ] is the motivating example for a lot
of ring theory, so is E the prototypical example for complex multiplication.
We now consider endomorphism rings of arbitrary elliptic curves over C .
Let E be an elliptic curve over C , corresponding to the lattice
L = Z ω 1 + Z ω 2 .
Let α be an endomorphism of E . Recall that this means that α is a homo-
morphism from E ( C )to E ( C ), and that α is given by rational functions:
α ( x, y )=( R ( x ) ,yS ( x ))
for rational functions R, S .Themap
Φ( z )=( ( z ) ,℘ ( z ))
Φ: C /L → E ( C ) ,
(see Theorem 9.10) is an isomorphism of groups. The map
α ( z )=Φ 1 ( α (Φ( z )))
is therefore a homomorphism from C /L to C /L . If we restrict to a suciently
small neighborhood U of z =0,weobtainananalyticmapfrom U to C such
α ( z 1 + z 2 ) ≡ α ( z 1 )+ α ( z 2 )(mod L )
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