Cryptography Reference
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8.8 A Nontrivial Shafarevich-Tate Group
Let E be the elliptic curve over Q given by
y 2 = x ( x − 2 p )( x +2 p ) ,
where p is a prime. If we do a 2-descent on E , we encounter the equations
x = u 2
x − 2 p = pv 2
x +2 p = pw 2 .
These yield the curve defined by the intersection of two quadratic surfaces:
C 1 ,p,p : u 2
pv 2 =2 p,
u 2
pw 2 =
2 p.
If p
9 (mod 16) ,then C 1 ,p,p has q -adicpointsfor allprimes q
≤∞ ,but
has no rationalpoints.
PROOF First, we'll show that there are no rational points. Suppose there
is a rational point ( u, v, w ). We may assume that u, v, w > 0. If p divides
the denominator of v , then an odd power of p is in the denominator of pv 2
andanevenpowerof p is in the denominator of u 2 ,so u 2
pv 2 cannot be
an integer, contradiction. Therefore, u, v , and hence also w have no p in their
denominators. It follows easily that the denominators of u, v, w are equal.
Since u 2 =2 p + pv 2 ,wehave u ≡ 0(mod p ). Write
u = pr
v = s
e ,
e ,
e ,
w =
with positive integers r, s, t, e and with
gcd( r, e )=gcd( s, e )=gcd( t, e )=1 .
The equations for C 1 ,p,p become
pr 2
− s 2 =2 e 2 ,
− t 2 = 2 e 2 .
Subtracting yields
s 2 +4 e 2 = t 2 .
If s is even, then pr 2
= s 2 +2 e 2
is even, so r is even. Then 2 e 2
= pr 2
s 2
0 (mod 4), which implies that e is even. This contradicts the fact that
gcd( s, e ) = 1. Therefore, s is odd, so
gcd( s, 2 e )=1 .
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