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elliptic curve, as in Section 2.5.4. A lengthy calculation, using the formulas of
Theorem 2.17, shows that this elliptic curve is the original curve E .If C a,b,c
does not have any rational points, then the triple ( a, b, c ) is eliminated.
The problem is how to decide which curves C a,b,c have rational points. In
the examples of Section 8.2, we used considerations of sign and congruences
mod powers of 2 and 5. These can be interpreted as showing that the curves
C a,b,c that are being eliminated have no real points, no 2-adic points, or no
5-adic points (for a summary of the relevant properties of p -adic numbers, see
Appendix A). For example, when we used inequalities to eliminate the triple
( a, b, c )=( 1 , 1 , − 1) for the curve y 2 = x ( x− 2)( x + 2), we were showing that
the curve
u 2
v 2 =2 ,
u 2 + w 2 =
C 1 , 1 ,− 1 :
has no real points. When we eliminated ( a, b, c )=(1 , 2 , 2), we used congru-
ences mod powers of 2. This meant that
C 1 , 2 , 2 : u 2
2 v 2 =2 ,
2 w 2 =
has no 2-adic points.
The 2-Selmer group S 2 is defined to be the set of ( a, b, c ) such that C a,b,c
has a real point and has p -adic points for all p . For notational convenience,
the real numbers are sometimes called the -adics Q . Instead of saying
that something holds for the reals and for all the p -adics Q p ,wesaythatit
holds for Q p for all p ≤∞ . Therefore,
S 2 = { ( a, b, c ) | C a,b,c ( Q p ) is nonempty for all p ≤∞}.
Therefore, S 2 is the set of ( a, b, c ) that cannot be eliminated by sign or congru-
ence considerations. It is a group under multiplication mod squares. Namely,
we regard
S 2 ( Q × / Q × 2 ) ( Q × / Q × 2 ) ( Q × / Q × 2 ) .
The prime divisors of a, b, c divide ( e 1 − e 2 )( e 1 − e 3 )( e 2 − e 3 ), which implies
that S 2 is a finite group.
The descent map φ gives a map
φ : E ( Q ) / 2 E ( Q ) → S 2 .
The 2-torsion in the Shafarevich-Tate group is the cokernel of this map:
2 = S 2 / Im φ.
The symbol is the Cyrillic letter “sha,” which is the first letter of “Shafare-
vich” (in Cyrillic). We'll define the full group in Section 8.9. The group
2 represents those triples ( a, b, c ) such that C a,b,c has a p -adic point for all
p ≤∞ , but has no rational point. If
= 1, then it is much more dicult
to find the points on the elliptic curve E .If( a, b, c ) represents a nontrivial
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