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the cube of the denominator of the x -coordinate (when the coe cients A, B
of E are integers), it can be shown that this would change the function h
approximately by a factor of 3/2. This would cause no substantial change in
the theory. In fact, the canonical height h , which will be introduced shortly,
is defined using a limit of values of
2 h . It could also be defined as a limit of
values of 1/3 of the height of the y -coordinate. These yield the same canonical
height function. See [109, Lemma 6.3]. The numbers 2 and 3 are the orders
of the poles of the functions x and y on E (see Section 11.1).
It is convenient to replace h with a function h that has slightly better
properties. The function h is called the canonical height .
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q .Thereisafunction
h : E ( Q )
R 0
withthe follow ing properties:
1. h ( P ) 0 for all P ∈ E ( Q ) .
h ( P ) |≤c 0 for all P .
2. T here isaconstant c 0 su ch that |
2 h ( P )
3. G iven a constant c ,there are only finitelymanypoints P
E ( Q ) with
h ( P ) ≤ c .
4. h ( mP )= m 2 h ( P ) for allintegers m and all P .
5. h ( P + Q )+ h ( P
Q )=2 h ( P )+2 h ( Q ) for all P, Q .
6. h ( P )=0 ifand onlyif P isatorsion point.
Property (5) is often called the parallelogram law because if the origin
0 and vectors P, Q, P + Q (ordinary vector addition) are the vertices of a
parallelogram, then the sum of the squares of the lengths of the diagonals
equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the four sides:
2 +
2 =2
2 +2
2 .
P + Q
The proof of Theorem 8.18 will occupy most of the rest of this section. First,
let's use the theorem to deduce the Mordell-Weil theorem.
Proofofthe M ordell-W e iltheorem : Let R 1 ,...,R n be representatives for
E ( Q ) / 2 E ( Q ). Let
h ( R i ) }
and let Q 1 ,...,Q m be the set of points with h ( Q i ) ≤ c . This is a finite set by
Theorem 8.18. Let G be the subgroup of E ( Q ) generated by
c =Max i {
R 1 ,...,R n ,Q 1 ,...,Q m .
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