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an injection
( Q × / Q × 2 )
( Q × / Q × 2 )
( Q × / Q × 2 ) .
E ( Q ) / 2 E ( Q )
Proposition 8.13 says that if ( a, b, c )(where a, b, c are chosen to be squarefree
integers) is in the image of φ ,then a, b, c are products of primes in the set S
of Proposition 8.13. Since S is finite, there are only finitely many such a, b, c
mod squares. Therefore, the image of φ is finite. This proves the theorem.
REMARK 8.16 (for those who know some algebraic number theory) Let
K/ Q be a finite extension. The theorem can be extended to say that if E
is an elliptic curve over K then E ( K ) / 2 E ( K ) is finite. If we assume that
x 3 + Ax + B =( x
e 1 )( x
e 2 )( x
e 3 ) with all e i
K , then the proof is the
same except that the image of φ is contained in
( K × /K × 2 ) ( K × /K × 2 ) ( K × /K × 2 ) .
O K be the ring of algebraic integers of K . To make things simpler, we
invert some elements in order to obtain a unique factorization domain. Take
a nonzero element from an integral ideal in each ideal class of
O K and let M
be the multiplicative subset generated by these elements. Then M 1
O K is a
principal ideal domain, hence a unique factorization domain. The analogue of
Proposition 8.13 says that the primes of M 1
O K dividing a, b, c also divide
( e 1 − e 2 )( e 1 − e 3 )( e 2 − e 3 ). Let S ⊂ M 1
O K be the set of prime divisors of
( e 1 − e 2 )( e 1 − e 3 )( e 2 − e 3 ). Then the image of φ is contained in the group
generated by S and the units of M 1
O K . Since the class number of K is
finite, M is finitely generated. A generalization of the Dirichlet unit theorem
(often called the S -unit theorem) says that the units of M 1
O K are a finitely
generated group. Therefore, the image of φ is a finitely generated abelian
group of exponent 2, hence is finite. This proves that E ( K ) / 2 E ( K ) is finite.
8.3 Heights and the Mordell-Weil Theorem
The purpose of this section is to change the weak Mordell-Weil theorem
into the Mordell-Weil theorem. This result was proved by Mordell in 1922 for
elliptic curves defined over Q . It was greatly generalized in 1928 by Weil in
his thesis, where he proved the result not only for elliptic curves over number
fields (that is, finite extensions of Q ) but also for abelian varieties (higher-
dimensional analogues of elliptic curves).
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