Cryptography Reference
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E, P, Q , as in Proposition 5.6.
1. Lift E,P,Q to Z to obtain
E 1 since red p ( p P )=
p · red p ( P )= (thisiswhereweusethefactthat E is anomalous).
P 1 = p P, Q 1 = p Q .
P 1 ,
Q 1
2. Let
Note that
E 2 ,choosenew E, P, Q and try again. Otherwise, let 1 =
λ 1 ( P 1 )and 2 = λ 1 ( Q 1 ). We have k ≡ 2 / 1 (mod p ).
Whydoesthiswork? Let K = k P
P 1
3. If
Q .Wehave
= kP − Q =red p ( k P −
Q )=red p ( K ) .
K ∈
E 1 ,so λ 1 ( K ) is defined and
λ 1 ( p K )= 1 ( K )
0(mod p ) .
2 = λ 1 ( k P 1
Q 1 )= λ 1 ( kp P
p Q )= λ 1 ( p K )
k 1
0(mod p ) .
This means that k
2 / 1 (mod p ), as claimed.
Note that the assumption that E is anomalous is crucial. If E ( F p )has
order N , we need to multiply by N to put
P, Q into
E 1 ,where λ 1 is defined.
Q gets multiplied by N , also. When N is a multiple
of p ,wehave λ 1 ( N K ) 0(mod p ), so the contribution from
K = k P −
The difference
K disappears
from our calculations.
If we try to implement the above algorithm, we soon encounter di culties.
If p is a large prime, the point P 1 has coordinates whose numerators and
denominators are too large to work with. For example, the numerator and
denominator of the x -coordinate usually have approximately p 2 digits (see
Section 8.3). However, we are only looking for x/y (mod p ). As we shall see,
it su ces to work with numbers mod p 2 . (It is also possible to use the “dual
numbers” F p [ ], where 2 = 0; see [10].)
Let's try calculating on E (mod p 2 ). When we compute ( x, y )= P 1 = p P ,
we run into problems. Since
P 1
E 2 ,wehave p 2 in the denominator of x ,so
P 1 is already at
mod p 2 . Therefore, we cannot obtain information directly
from calculating λ 1 ( P 1 ). Instead, we calculate ( p
1) P (mod p 2 ), then add
it to P , keeping track of p in denominators.
The procedure is the following.
P =( x 1 ,y 1 ) ,
Q =( x 2 ,y 2 ), as in Proposi-
1. Lift E,P,Q to Z to obtain
tion 5.6.
2. Calculate
P 2 =( p
1) P
( x ,y )(mod p 2 ) .
The rational numbers in the calculation of P 2 should not have p in their
denominators, so the denominators can be inverted mod p 2
to obtain
integers x ,y .
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