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5.4 Anomalous Curves
The reason the MOV attack works is that it is possible to use the Weil
pairing. In order to avoid this, it was suggested that elliptic curves E over F q
# E ( F q )= q
be used. Such curves are called anomalous . Unfortunately, the discrete log
problem for the group E ( F q ) can be solved quickly. However, as we'll see be-
low, anomalous curves are potentially useful when considered over extensions
of F q , since they permit a speed-up in certain calculations in E ( F q ).
The Weil pairing is not defined on E [ p ] (or, if we defined it, it would be
trivial since E [ p ] is cyclic and also since there are no nontrivial p th roots of
unity in characteristic p ; however, see [10] for a way to use a Weil pairing in
this situation). Therefore, it was hoped that this would be a good way to
avoid the MOV attack. However, it turns out that there is a different attack
for anomalous curves that works even faster for these curves than the MOV
attack works for supersingular curves.
Inthefollowing,weshowhowtocomputediscretelogsinthecase q = p .
Procedures for doing this have been developed in [95], [102], and [115]. Similar
ideas work for subgroups of p -power order in E ( F q )when q is a power of p
(but in Proposition 5.6 we would need to lift E to a curve defined over a larger
ring than Z ).
Warning: The property of being anomalous depends on the base field.
If E is anomalous over F q , it is not necessarily anomalous over any F q n for
n ≥ 2. See Exercises 5.5 and 5.6. This is in contrast to supersingularity,
which is independent of the base field and is really a property of the curve
over the algebraic closure (since supersingular means that there are no points
of order p with coordinates in the algebraic closure of the base field).
The first thing we need to do is lift the curve E and the points P, Q to an
elliptic curve over Z .
Let E be an elliptic curve over F p and let P, Q
E ( F p ) .
W e assu m e
E isinWe erstra ss form y 2
= x 3 + Ax + B .Then here exist integers
B, x 1 ,x 2 ,y 1 ,y 2 and an ellipticcurve E given by
Ax +
y 2 = x 3 +
su ch that P =( x 1 ,y 1 ) ,
Q =( x 2 ,y 2 )
E ( Q ) and such that
A ≡
B ≡
P ≡
(mod p ) .
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