Cryptography Reference
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A naive implementation of t he method stores all the points P i until a match
is found. This takes around N storage, which is similar to Baby Step, Giant
Step. However, as R. W. Floyd has pointed out, it is possible to do much better
at the cost of a little more computation. The key idea is that once there is a
match for two indices differing by d , all subsequent indices differing by d will
yield matches. This is just the periodicity mentioned above. Therefore, we
can compute pairs ( P i ,P 2 i )for i =1 , 2 ,... , but only keep the current pair;
we don't store the previous pairs. These can be calculated by the rules
P i +1 = f ( P i ) ,
P 2( i +1) = f ( f ( P 2 i )) .
Suppose i ≥ i 0 and i is a multiple of d . Then the indices 2 i and i differ by a
multiple of d and hence yield a match: P i = P 2 i .Since d ≤ j 0 and i 0 <j 0 ,it
follows easily that there is a match for i ≤ j 0 . Therefore, the numb er of steps
to find a match is expected to be at most a constant multiple of N .
Another method of finding a match is to store only those points P i that
satisfy a certain property (call them “distinguished points”). For example, we
could require the last k bits of the binary representation of the x -coordinate to
be 0. We then store, on the average, one out of every 2 k points P i . Suppose
there is a match P i = P j but P i is not one of these distinguished points.
We expect P i + to be a distinguished point for some with 1
2 k ,
approximately. Then P j + = P i + , so we find a match between distinguished
points with only a little more computation.
The problem remains of how to choose a suitable function f . Besides having
f act randomly, we need to be able to extract useful information from a match.
Here is one way of doing this. Divide G into s disjoint subsets S 1 ,S 2 ,...,S s
of approximately the same size. A good choice for s seems to be around 20.
Choose 2 s random integers a i ,b i mod N .Let
M i = a i P + b i Q.
Finally, define
f ( g )= g + M i
if g
S i .
The best way to think of f is as giving a random walk in G , with the possible
steps being the elements M i .
Finally, choose random integers a 0 ,b 0 and let P 0 = a 0 P + b 0 Q be the starting
point for the random walk. While computing the points P j , we also record
how these points are expressed in terms of P and Q .If P j = u j P + v j Q and
P j +1 = P j + M i ,then P j +1 =( u j + a i ) P +( v j + b i ) Q ,so( u j +1 ,v j +1 )=
( u j ,v j )+( a i ,b i ). When we find a match P j 0 = P i 0 ,thenwehave
u j 0 P + v j 0 Q = u i 0 P + v i 0 Q, hence ( u i 0 − u j 0 ) P =( v j 0 − v i 0 ) Q.
If gcd( v j 0 − v i 0 ,N )= d ,wehave
k ≡ ( v j 0 − v i 0 ) 1 ( u i 0 − u j 0 )(mod N/d ) .
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