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2. φ q
1 is a separable endom orphism , so # E ( F q n )=deg( φ q
1) .
PROOF Since φ q is the Frobenius map for the field F q n , part (1) is just
a restatement of Lemma 4.5. The fact that φ q 1 is separable was proved in
Proposition 2.29. Therefore (2) follows from Proposition 2.21.
ProofofHasse'stheorem :
We can now prove Hasse's theorem (Theorem 4.2). Let
a = q +1 # E ( F q )= q +1 deg( φ q 1) .
We want to show that |a|≤ 2 q .Weneedthefollowing.
Let r, s be integers w ith gcd( s, q )=1 .Then deg( q
s )= r 2 q + s 2
rsa .
Proposition 3.16 implies that
s )= r 2 deg( φ q )+ s 2 deg(
deg( q
1) + rs (deg( φ q
deg( φ q )
1)) .
Since deg( φ q )= q and deg(
1) = 1, the result follows from (4.1).
REMARK 4.9 The assumption that gcd( s, q ) = 1 is not needed. We
include it since we have proved Proposition 3.16 not in general, but only
when the endomorphisms are separable or φ q .
We can now finish the proof of Hasse's theorem. Since deg( q
s )
the lemma implies that
q r
s 2
a r
s +1
for all r, s with gcd( s, q ) = 1. The set of rational numbers r/s such that
gcd( s, q ) = 1 is dense in R .( Proof: Take s tobeapowerof2orapowerof3,
one of which must be relatively prime with q . The rationals of the form r/ 2 m
and those of the form r/ 3 m are easily seen to be dense in R .) Therefore,
qx 2
ax +1
for all real numbers x . Therefore the discriminant of th e p olynomial is negative
or 0, which means that a 2
2 q . This completes the
4 q
0, hence
proof of Hasse's theorem.
There are several major ingredients of the above proof. One is that we can
identify E ( F q )asthekernelof φ q 1. Another is that φ q 1 is separable,
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