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for all scalars a, b . This is the relation used in the proof of Propo-
sition 3.16.
3.5 Show that part (6) of Theorem 3.9 holds when α is the endomorphism
given by multiplication by an integer m .
3.6 Let E be an elliptic curve over a field K and let P be a point of order
n (where n is not divisible by the characteristic of the field K ). Let
Q ∈ E [ n ]. Show that there exists an integer k such that Q = kP if and
only if e n ( P, Q )=1.
3.7 Write the equation of the elliptic curve E as
F ( x, y, z )= y 2 z − x 3
− Axz 2
− Bz 3 =0 .
Show that a point P on E is in E [3] if and only if
F xx F xy F xz
F yx F yy F yz
F zx F zy F zz
at the point P ,where F ab denotes the 2nd partial derivative with respect
to a, b . The determinant is called the H essian .Foracurvein P 2 defined
by an equation F = 0, a point where the Hessian is zero is called a flex
of the curve.
3.8 The division polynomials ψ n were defined for n
0. Show that if we
let ψ −n = −ψ n , then the recurrence relations preceding Lemma 3.3,
which are stated only for m ≥ 2, hold for all integers m . (Note that this
requires verifying the relations for m ≤− 2 and for m = 1 , 0 , 1.)
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