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paper. It shows that under mild conditions, namely that F0i(∞)) 0i (t 0 ) 2 (0;F 0i (1))
for i = 1; 2; and that the F 0i 's and G are continuously dierentiable in a
neighborhood of t 0 with the derivatives at t 0 , ff 0i (t 0 )g i=1 and g(t 0 ), being
positive, for any 2 (0; 1), there is a constant r > 0 such that
j F + (t) F + (t)j
v n (tt 0 )
t2[t 0 r;t 0 +r]
= O p (1) ;
where v n (s) = n 1=3 1(jsj n 1=3 ) + n (1)=3 jtj 1(jsj > n 1=3 ). Thus, the
local rate of F + , the MLE of the distribution function, is the same as in
the current status model (as the form of v n (s) for jsj n 1=3 shows), but
outside of the local n 1=3 neighborhood of t 0 , the normalization changes (as
the altered form of v n shows). This result leads to some crucial bounds that
are used in the proof of Theorem 4.17 of their paper, where it is shown that
given ;M 1 > 0, one can nd M;n 1 > 0 such that for each i,
n 1=3 j F i (s + n 1=3 h) F 0i (s)j > M
h2[M 1 ;M 1 ]
< ;
for all n > n 1 and s varying in a small neighborhood of t 0 . Groeneboom
et al. (2008b) make further inroads into the asymptotics; they determine the
pointwise limit distributions of the MLEs of the F 0i 's in terms of completely
new distributions, the characterizations of which, again, require much di-
cult work. Let W 1 and W 2 denote a couple of correlated Brownian motions
originating from 0 with mean 0 and covariances
E(W j (t) W k (s)) = (jsj^jtj) 1fst > 0g jk ; s;t 2R; 1 j;k 2 ;
with jk = g(t 0 ) 1 [1fj = kgF 0k (t 0 ) F 0k (t 0 ) F 0j (t 0 )]. Note the multi-
nomial covariance structure of ; this is not surprising in the light of
the observation that the conditional distribution of given U = t 0 is
Multinomial(1;F 01 (t 0 );F 02 (t 0 );S(t 0 )). Consider the drifted Brownian mo-
tions (V 1 ;V 2 ) given by V i (t) = W i (t) + (f 0i (t 0 )=2) t 2
for i = 1; 2. The limit
distribution of the MLEs can be described in terms of certain complex func-
tionals of the V i 's that have self-induced characterizations. Before describing
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