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6. The Mixed Case IC Model (Schick and Yu, 2000). The model is a mixture
of various Case k models. In particular, assume
(1;Y K;1 ]
if if Y K;1
(1) I =
(Y K;j1 ;Y K;j ]
if Y K;j1 < T Y K;j ;j 2f2;::;Kg
(Y K;K ;1) if T > Y K;K ;
(2) conditional on K = k, T ? (Y k;1 ;:::;Y k;k );
(3) F K;Y is noninformative, where Y = fY kj : j 2f1;:::;kg; k 1g.
f Y K;1 (k;u)
if I = (1;u]
P j=1 f Y K;j1 ;Y K;j (u;v)
Note: G(I) =
In the mixed
if I = (u;v]
f Y K;K (v)
if I = (v;1):
case model, even though it is assumed the conditional independence,
it is not assumed that T ? C, where C = (K; Y). The asymptotic
properties of the NPMLE
F of F under various IC models have been
Theorem 1 (Schick and Yu, 2000) Assume that (L;R) satises the Mixed
Case Model with E(K) < 1. Then R j F Fjd ! 0 almost surely, where
= F R + F L .
Theorem 2 (Yu et al. (1998b),Yu et al. (1998a)) Under the Case 1 or
Case 2 IC Model, if there are only k + 1 innermost intervals with right
endpoints bi i for each sample size, F is strictly increasing on bi i 's, then
F(b 1 ) F(b 1 )
F(b k ) F(b k ))
p n
D ! N(0; ) as n ! 1, where the k k matrix
can be estimated by the inverse of the empirical Fisher information matrix.
Theorem 3 (Groeneboom, 1996). Let F be continuous with a bounded deriva-
tive f on [0;M], satisfying f(x) c > 0; x 2 (0;M); for some constant
c > 0. Let (Y 1 ;Y 2 ) be the two continuous random inspection times in the Case
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