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number of exactly observed and interval-censored (including right-censored)
observations, respectively. Also, let N 1 = P l=1 n l1 denote the total number of
exactly observed observations and N 2 = P l=1 n l2 the total number of nonex-
actly observed observations in the study. Define diagonal coecient matrices
A = Diag( N 1
n l1 ) and B = Diag( N 2
n l2 );l = 1; ;k. The test statistic U III for
testing H 0 is given by
z i e i f G(R i )gf G(R i )g
G(R i ) G(R i )
z i (1 e i ) f G(L i )gf G(R i )g
G(L i ) G(R i )
where is a link function dened earlier in gLRT2. Note that the rst term
on the right-hand side is for exactly observed and the second is for interval-
censored observations. Special cases include
When there is no exact observed observation (N 1 = 0), U III reduces to
U II in gLRT2.
When an observation in the data is either exactly observed or right-
censored, we have right-censored data. If (x) = xlog(x), U III , as dis-
cussed in Peto and Peto (1972), is the logrank test statistic for right-
censored data.
Zhao et al. (2008) showed that, as n !1 and under H 0 and some minor
conditions, U III = p n follows an asymptotic normal distribution with mean 0
and a covariance matrix that can be consistently estimated by V III = (v lr ) kk ,
n l1 1)P N 1 ( if G ) + N 2 n ( N 2
n l2 1)Q N 2 ( K G );
N 1 n ( N 1
if l = r;
v lr =
N 1 n P N 1 ( if G ) N 2 n Q N 2 ( K G );
(1 e i )[ f G(L i )gf G(R i )g
G(L i ) G(R i )
N 2
Q N 2 ( K G ) =
] 2 ;
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