Biomedical Engineering Reference
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appears to be valid even under the CIA assumption with ATD. Section 13.3.7
describes other tests that are closely related to those found in the interval
For many types of interval-censored data, there may be intentional or uninten-
tional assessment-treatment dependence. Freidlin et al. (2007) discuss several
causes of ATD (which they call evaluation bias) that can occur in unblinded
trials when progression-free survival is used as an endpoint. For example, pa-
tients randomized to the control group may be more likely to drop out of the
study and it may be dicult to obtain cancer progression assessments from
those drop-outs. As another example, for patients who come into the clinic at
times other than scheduled assessment times, the patients on control may be
more likely to get an unscheduled assessment in an unblinded trial because
the clinicians may suspect progression more in those patients.
Freidlin et al. (2007) propose a modification of the definition of progression-
free survival to ensure there is no ATD; they defined the allowable assessments
for the cancer progression as only those assessments that occur at scheduled
assessment times, and they scheduled assessments at the same two times for
both treatment and control. The suggested assessment times are at the as-
sumed median and two times the median of the control arm. This idea can
be easily expanded to k scheduled assessments as long as the k assessments
are the same for both treatment groups and missingness of scheduled cancer
progression assessments is negligible (unless that missingness is due to death).
By ignoring all unscheduled assessments, Freidlin et al. (2007) ensure totally
independent assessment even if the unscheduled assessments are informative
and have ATD. To test for a treatment effect, Freidlin et al. (2007) simply
assumed that observed progressions occurred exactly at the right endpoint of
the scheduled interval (e.g., if the scheduled time is at 4 weeks with a 1-week
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