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tion, we used the pseudo-data set to compute a pseudo-posterior. The average
of the 1,000 pseudo-posterior means was used as the prior mean of : For the
third step, we calibrated the variances of the entries of to ensure a suit-
ably noninformative prior in terms of the prior effective sample sizes (ESSs)
of T (s;c;q;) and F E (s;c;q;); and also to obtain good simulated perfor-
mance of the design across a diverse set of scenarios. Denoting T (s;c;q;) or
F E (s;c;q;) for s = 0 or 1 by p(), the ESS of the prior on p() was approxi-
mated by matching its mean and variance with those of a beta(a;b) distribu-
tion and approximating the ESS as a+b Efp()g[1Efp(g]=varfp()g1:
This motivated setting 2 = varflog( j )g = 81 for each element j of ; with
ESS values of each p() ranging from 0:17 to 0:22:
Computations for each interim decision include obtaining the posterior
probabilities in the admissibility criteria and posterior mean utility for all (c;q)
combinations. This was done using MCMC with Gibbs sampling (Robert and
Cassella, 1999) to compute all posterior quantities, based on the full condi-
tionals. Each sample parameter series (1) ; ; (N) distributed proportionally
to the posterior integrand was initialized at the mode using the two-level al-
gorithm given in Braun et al. (2007), which reliably identifies the region of
highest posterior probability density, so no burn-in was required and a sin-
gle chain was used for each computation. MCMC sample sizes of N =2,000
were used for choosing (c;q) during the trial, and N =16,000 for selecting
(c;q) at the end of the trial. For each sample (i) = ( (i) ; (i) ), p 0 (c;q; (i) ),
(Y E ;c;q; (i) ), F E (Y E ;c;q; (i) ); and T (Y E ;c;q; (i) ) were computed for all
interval endpoints and (c;q) pairs, with E;T (I m ;y T jc;q; (i) ) computed from
Equation (12:10). The elicited utilities were averaged over these distributions
to obtain a utility for (c;q) given (i) . Posterior mean utilities were obtained
from posterior sample averages. The Monte Carlo standard error (MCSE) was
computed using the batch-means method for F E (1;c;q), T (1;c;q) and u(c;q)
at the highest and lowest (c;q) pairs, with MCMC convergence concluded if
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