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FIGURE 12.3: Illustration of possible shapes of T (c;q;Y E ); considered as
a function q with fixed c = 0.3 and Y E = 0.5.
To account for Interval-censoring of Y E ; given observation interval I E = (l; u]
[0; 1], we denote
E;T (I E ;y T jc;q;) = Pr(l < Y E u;Y T = y T jc;q;):
This is the relevant probability when it is only known that the ecacy event did not
occur by time l and did occur by time u: In this case, infusion is stopped at the end
of the interval, u; so the probability of toxicity is T (u;c;q; T ): It follows that
E;T (I E ;y T jc;q;) = Pr(l < Y E ujc;q;)f TjE (y T ju;c;q;)
= fF E (ujc;q;)F E (ljc;q;)g T (u;c;q;) y T if T (u;c;q;)g 1y T ;
with F E computed from Equations (12:2); (12:3); and (12:5) and T specified by
Equations (12:6): The fact that Pr(Y E = 0) > 0 and Interval-censoring due to
sequential evaluation of Y E give the partition fI 0 ;I 1 ; ;I M g of [0, 1], with I 0 = f0g;
and the likelihood takes the form
L(Yjc;q;) = p 0 (c;q;) T (0;c;q;) Y T if T (0;c;q;)g 1Y T 1(Y E =0)
E;T (I m ; 1 j c;q;) Y T E;T (I m ; 0 j c;q;) 1Y T 1(Y E 2I E;m )
f1 F E (1jc;q;)g T (1;c;q;) Y T if T (1;c;q;)g 1Y T 1(Y E >1) :
For example, if there are M = 8 intervals of 15 minutes each over 120 minutes, then
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