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regression coecients via a linear predictor combined with the baseline hazard
0 (tj) with parameter vector . We are interested in the eect of the covariates on
the survival function
S(tjX;;) = 1 F(tjX;;);
where F is the cumulative distribution function. Then
Z t
0 (sj) exp 0 X ds
expf(tjX;;)g = exp
0 (sj)ds exp 0 X
Z t
= S 0 (tj) exp [ 0 X ] : (11.3)
where (tjX;;) is the cumulative hazard, which is the integral of the hazard
function (sjX;;) up to time t and S 0 (tj) is the baseline survival function, which
is independent of the covariates. Therefore,
= S(tjX;;) = S 0 (tj) expf 0 Xg
[1 F(tjX;;)]
[1 F 0 (tj)] expf 0 Xg :
Thus, for n patients with observed interval data (ti1, i1 ;t i2 ), i = 1; ;n, the log-
likelihood (LL) function with regression parameter vector and the parameters
from the baseline distribution can be constructed as follows:
log n [1 F 0 (t i1 j)] exp( 0 X i ) [1 F 0 (t i2 j)] exp( 0 X i ) o : (11.5)
LL(F 0 ;;) =
In this semiparametric approach, this F 0 consists of piecewise constants as de-
scribed in Pan (1999). The maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for the parameters
can be obtained by maximizing the log-likelihood function in Equation (11.5). Gen-
erally, there is no closed form for the MLE, and therefore an iterative numerical
search procedure is used to obtain the MLE. This approach is implemented in the
R package \IntCox".
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