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estimate the asymptotic standard error using the least-squares approach. The
semiparametric sieve MLE of 0 is b n = (0:2076;0:0356; 0:0647;0:7949)
with the asymptotic standard errors given by (0:0066; 0:0101; 0:0338; 0:0534)
and the corresponding p-values = (0.0000, 0.0004, 0.0553, 0.0000) based on
the asymptotic theorem developed in Wellner and Zhang (2007). We note that
the standard error estimates are different from those of Lu et al. (2009) using
the bootstrap method. The difference indirectly indicates that the working
assumption of the Poisson process model to form the likelihood may not be
valid as Lu{Zhang{Huang's inference procedure is shown to be robust against
misspecification of the underlying counting process.
When the infinite-dimensional parameter as nuisance parameter cannot be
eliminated in estimating the finite-dimensional parameter, a general semi-
parametric maximum likelihood estimation is often a challenging task. The
sieve MLE method, proposed originally by Geman and Hwang (1982), renders
a practical approach for alleviating the diculty in the semiparametric esti-
mation problem. In particular, the spline-based sieve semiparametric method,
as exemplified by Zhang et al. (2010) and Lu et al. (2009), has many attrac-
tive properties in practice. Not only does it reduce the numerical diculty
in computing the semiparametric MLE, but it also achieves the semipara-
metric asymptotic estimation eciency for the finite-dimensional parameter.
However, the estimation of the information matrix remains a dicult task
in general. In this chapter, we propose an easy-to-implement least-squares
approach to estimate the semiparametric information matrix. We show that
the estimate is asymptotically consistent, and it is also a by-product of the
establishment of asymptotic normality for sieve semiparametric MLE. Inter-
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