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This proposition was proved in Huang and Wellner (1997) and Huang and
Rossini (1997). It is the basis for the asymptotic normality and eciency of
b n (Theorem 9.2) and is needed in the proof of the consistency of the proposed
variance estimator.
Poisson Proportional Mean Model for Panel Count
Let fN(t) : t 0g be a univariate counting process. K is the total num-
ber of observations on the counting process and T = (T K;1 ; ;T K;K ) is a
sequence of random observation times with 0 < T K;1 < < T K;K . The
counting process is only observed at those times with the cumulative events
denoted byN= fN(T K;1 ); ;N(T K;K )g. This type of data is referred to as
panel count data by Sun and Kalbfleisch (1995). Panel Count Data can be
regarded as a generalization of mixed-case interval-censored data to the sce-
nario that the underlying counting process is allowed to have multiple jumps.
Here we assume that (K; T ) is conditionally independent ofNgiven a vec-
tor of covariates Z, and we denote the observed data consisting of indepen-
dent and identically distributed X 1 ; ;X n , where X i = (K i ;T (i) ;N
(i) ;Z i )
with T (i) = (T (i)
K i ;1 ; ;T (i)
(i) = (N (i) (T (i)
K i ;1 ); ;N (i) (T (i)
K i ;K i ) andN
K i ;K i )), for
i = 1; ;n.
Panel count data arise in clinical trials, social demographic, and indus-
trial reliability studies. Sun and Wei (2000) and Zhang (2002) considered the
proportional mean model
(tjz) = 0 (t) exp( 0 0 z)
E(N(t)jZ = z) is the expected cumulative number of events observed at time
t, conditionally on Z with the true baseline mean function given by 0 (t).
Wellner and Zhang (2007) proposed a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with
the conditional mean function given by Equation (9.16) to study the MLE of
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