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restriction of s to I Kt is a polynomial of order m for m K; (ii) for m 2
and 0 m 0 m 2, s is m 0 times continuously dierentiable on [a;b]. This
definition is phrased after Stone (1985), which is a descriptive version of Schu-
maker (1981), page 108, Definition 4.1. According to Schumaker (1981), page
117, Corollary 4.10, there exists a local basis b n fb t ; 1 t q n g, so called
B-splines, for S n (D n ;K n ;m), where q n K n + m. These basis functions are
nonnegative and sum up to 1 at each point in [a;b], and each b t is 0 outside
the interval [d t ;d t+m ].
Cox Model for Interval-Censored Data
Interval-censored data occur very frequently in long-term follow-up studies for
an event time of interest. With such data, the exact event time T is not observ-
able; it is only known with certainty that T is bracketed between two adjacent
examination times, or occurs before the first or after the last follow-up exami-
nation. Let (L;R) be the pair of examination times bracketing the event time
T. That is, L is the last examination time before and R is the first examina-
tion time after the event. If 0 < L < R < 1, then T is interval-censored. If
the event occurs before the first examination, then T is left-censored. If the
event has not occurred after last examination, then T is right-censored. Such
data are called \Case 2" interval-censored data. Nonparametric estimation of
a distribution function and its smooth functionals with interval-censored data
has been studied by Groeneboom and Wellner (1992) and Geskus and Groene-
boom (1996). A systematic treatment of interval-censored data can be found
in Sun (2006).
In this example, we consider the B-splines sieve MLE of the Cox propor-
tional hazards model for interval-censored data. With the proportional hazards
model, the conditional hazard of T given a covariate vector Z 2 R d is propor-
tional to the baseline hazard. In terms of cumulative hazard functions, this
model is
(tjz) = 0 (t)e 0 0 z ;
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