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balance out the one-dimension increase of the proposed new model. When the
proposal jump time is near the boundaries, we use a constant extrapolation
for '(t) in Equation (7.15). That is, we set '( 0 ) = '( 1 ) when is before
the first jump time 1 , and '( J+1 ) = '( J ) when is between the last two
jump times J1 and J .
Let v = '( 1 );'( 2 );:::;'( J ) and v = '( 1 );'( 2 );:::;'( J+1 ) be
the current and proposal vector of coecient values, with dimension J and
J + 1, respectively. The acceptance ratio is given by
v jnfv g;w 2 ;D aug
v jnfvg;w 2 ;D aug (u)
R b =
where ( j nfg;w 2 ;D aug ) is the posterior distribution; (u) = 1f 0 <
u < 0 g=(2 0 ) is the density function of uniform distribution; and the last
term is the Jacobian of the one-to-one transformation from (v;u) to v . The
acceptance probability is minf1;R b g.
Death Move
Choose an index j uniformly from the current jump point set f1; 2;:::;J1g
and remove the jump time j . The new J 1 jump times are relabeled as
follows: jump times before j keep their indices; jump times after j decrease
their indices by 1. Denote the new jump times as j , j = 1; 2;:::;J1. After
the deletion of a jump time, the two constant pieces on interval [ j1 ; j+1 )
are combined into one. The proposal of the coecient value is the inverse of
the birth move proposal. Given values of '( j ) and '( j+1 ), solve unknown
'( j ) and u from the following equations:
'( j ) = 1 '( j1 ) + 2 '( j ) + u ;
'( j+1 ) = 1 '( j ) u + 2 '( j+1 );
n 1
2 '( j ) +
1 '( j+1 ) 2
'( j ) =
2 '( j1 ) +
1 '( j+2 )
; (7.16)
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