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(a) If Wl l = 0; sample l from the prior E().
(b) If Wl l > 0, sample l from N(E l ;W l )1 ( l >d l ) , where
z i 0 X
l 0 6=l
E l = W 1
i b l (t i )
l 0 b l 0 (t i ) x 0 i
z i P l 0 6=l l 0 fb l 0 (R i ) b l 0 (L i )g
b l (R i ) b l (L i )
d l = max(c l ; 0) and c l =
i: i2 =1
+ P i=1 i x i x 0 i ) 1
4. Sample from N( ~ ; ~
), where ~
= ( 1
~ = ~
0 0 +
(z i (t i ))x i
5. Sample from G(a + k; b + P l=1 l ):
6. Sample i using the rejection sampling as in Holmes and Held (2006).
Algorithm 6.1 is a modification of the Gibbs sampler proposed under the
Probit model with subject-specific variances in the normal densities. The re-
jection sampling method of Holmes and Held (2006) is ecient in sampling i
in most cases but may encounter numerical problems in some extreme cases.
Also, the rejection sampling method is quite complicated and is not intuitive.
Wang and Lin (2011) proposed a second algorithm that avoids using the
rejection sampling method for sampling i . It takes advantage of the facts
that a logistic distribution can be accurately approximated by a student t
distribution with the degrees of freedom 8 (denoted as t 8 ) up to a scale con-
stant (Albert and Chib, 1993) and that any t distribution can be regarded as
a scale-normal mixture. Algorithm 6.2 specifically is based on the following
data augmentation:
z i = (t i ) + x 0 i + i
a with constraint zi i 2 C i
i N(0; i ); i Ga(4; 4);
where a = 0:634 is the scale constant and G(4; 4) denotes the Gamma distri-
bution with both shape and rate parameters equal to 4. Integrating out 1
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