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basis toward zero. This property is promising, as it allows one to use many
knots for modeling flexibility but prevents over-fitting problems.
A normal prior N(m 0 ; 0 ) is used for the additional parameter 0 under
the PO and Probit models. These priors are quite general and are selected
based on the expanded likelihoods from a computational perspective.
Under the Probit Model
Let t i = R i 1 ( i1 =1) + L i 1 ( i1 =0) . Consider the following data augmentation:
z i = (t i ) + x 0 i + i with constraint zi i 2 C i ; i N(0; 1); i = 1;:::;n;
where C i is an interval taking (0;1) if i1 = 1, ((L i ) (R i ); 0) if i2 = 1,
and (1; 0) if i3 = 1.
The augmented likelihood function is
(z i (t i )x 0 i )f1 (z i >0) g i1 f1 ((L i )(R i )<z i <0) g i2 f1 (z i <0) g i3 ;
L aug =
which is a product of normal density functions. Integrating out all zi, i , one ob-
tains the observed likelihood as in Equation (6.1). The following Gibbs sampler
was developed based on the augmented data likelihood and the specified priors
(Lin and Wang, 2010):
1. Sample latent variables zi i N((t i ) + x 0 i ; 1)1 C i for i = 1; ;n.
2. Sample 0 from N(E 0 ;W 1
), where W 0 = v 0 + n and
l b l (t i ) x 0 i o
n z i
k X
E 0 = W 1
v 0 m 0 +
3. Sample l for l = 1; ;k. For each l 1, let W l = P i=1 b l (t i ).
(a) If Wl l = 0; sample l from the prior E().
(b) If Wl l > 0, sample l from N(E l ;W l )1 ( l >d l ) , where
z i 0 X
l 0 6=l
E l = W 1
l 0 b l 0 (t i ) x 0 i
b l (t i )
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