Biomedical Engineering Reference
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and death without tumor are not significant, but that high-dose treatment
has a very significant effect on the death of subjects with tumor.
Additionally, Figures 5.2 and 5.3 correspondingly display the estimates of
1 ; 2 ; 3 ; and obtained in each iteration of the EM algorithm. These show
that the convergence rates of the regression parameters are faster than that
of , irrespective as to the choice of their initial values.
This chapter outlined approaches to analyze current status data with de-
pendent censoring. A three-state model was applied and the correlation is
incorporated with frailty effects. Two distributions, normal and gamma dis-
tribution, were considered and have similar results. There are still open issues
for the suggested method. One issue is to extend bivariate current status data
with informative censoring. A more complicated multi-state model and a bi-
variate frailty were applied. We need to make cautious remarks related to the
suggested algorithm. As often occurred for the EM algorithm, inappropriate
initial values make a convergence rate too slow. In particular, small initial val-
ues of baseline hazards cause trouble in the calculation of the inverse matrix.
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