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where w(t;c) = A 01i (t) + A 02i (c) + [A 12i (c) A 12i (t)]; 0 < t c: In a tu-
morigenicity study, therefore, the relative risk with respect to death is defined
as 12i (c)= 02i (c) = (1 + )exp( 1 2 )Z i = i , which measures the lethal-
ity of tumor on death. Thus, the ratio of corresponding survival functions,
S 12 (c i )=S 02 (c i ) = exp( i ).
B. Normal frailty effect. With a normal frailty, the conditional intensities
with a shared frailty effect are given by
01i ( t jZ i ;R i ) = 01 (t)exp( 0
1 Z i + R i );
02i ( c jZ i ;R i ) = 02 (c)exp( 0
2 Z i + R i );
12i ( c jZ i ;R i ) = 02 (c)exp( 0
3 Z i + R i ); t < c:
Unlike a gamma distribution, an integration with respect to frailty effect has
no closed form, and suitable integration techniques such as the MCMC tech-
nique or a numerical integration technique are adopted. In the next section,
the estimation procedure is discussed in detail.
Following Lindsey and Ryan (1994), a piecewise constant model
is assumed
on the baseline hazard functions, 01 and 02 . Divide the time axis into K
time points and set I k = (s k1 ;s k ] for k = 1;:::;K:
01 (s) = 1k
for s 2 I k
02 (t) = 2k
for t 2 I k
Let = ( 11 ;:::; 1K ; 21 ;:::; 2K ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ;( 2 )) be the vector of param-
eters. Now dene N k as the number of subjects with tumor at interval I k ,
ik as the time the i-th subject spends without tumor at interval I k , and
T ik as the time the i-th subject spends at interval I k with tumor. While the
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