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bivariate current status data. Let T 1 and T 2 be the two related failure times
of interest and suppose that both variables are only observed at a monitoring
time C. That is, the only information available for them is C, 1 = I(T 1 C)
and 2 = I(T 2 C), indicating whether the survival events represented by T 1
and T 2 have occurred before C. Note that here, for simplicity, we assume that
T 1 and T 2 have the same observation time and the methodology given below
can be easily generalized to situations where they have different observation
times. Also it will be assumed that all T 1 , T 2 , and C are continuous variables.
Let Z be a vector of covariates and S k (t) denote the marginal survival
function of T k , k = 1; 2. To describe the covariate eects on T k , it will be
assumed that given Z, S k (t) has the form
S k (t)
1 S k (t)
S 0k (t)
1 S 0k (t) ;
= exp(Z 0 )
where S 0k is an unknown baseline survival function and denotes the vector
of regression parameters. That is, T k follows the proportional odds model
marginally. Note that in the model in Equation (4.4), without loss of generality,
it is supposed that the covariate effects are the same for T 1 and T 2 . If they
are dierent, one can easily dene a common through the introduction of
extra type-specific covariates. Define O k (t) = S k (t)=f1S k (t)g and O 0k (t) =
S 0k (t)=f1 S 0k (t)g. Then we have
S k (t) = exp(x 0 )O 0k (t)
1 + exp(x 0 )O 0k (t) :
It will be assumed that T 1 and T 2 are independent of C given covariates.
To model the joint survival function of T 1 and T 2 , several approaches can
be applied. A common one, which will be used here, is the copula model
approach that assumes
S(s;t) = P(T 1 > s;T 2 > t) = C (S 1 (s);S 2 (t)) :
where C : [0; 1] 2 ! [0; 1] is a genuine survival function on the unit square
and is a global association parameter. The copula model has attracted con-
siderable attention in failure time data analysis (Genest and MacKay (1986);
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