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Inference for Current Status Data on a Grid
While the literature on current status data is large, somewhat surprisingly, the
problem of making inference on the event time distribution, F, when the obser-
vation times lie on a grid with multiple subjects sharing the same observation
time had never been satisfactorily addressed. This important scenario, which
transpires when the inspection times for individuals at risk are evenly spaced
and multiple subjects can be inspected at any inspection time, is completely
precluded by the assumption of a continuous observation time. One can also
think of a situation where the observation times are all distinct but cluster into
a number of distinct well-separated clumps with very little variability among
the observation times in a single clump. For making inference on F in this
situation, the assumption of a continuous observation time distribution would
not be ideal, and a better approximation might be achieved by considering all
points within one clump to correspond to the same observation time|say, the
mean observation time for that clump. For simple current status data on a
regular grid, say with K grid-points, sample size n and n i individuals sharing
the i-th grid-point as the common observation time, how does one construct a
reliable confidence interval for the value of F at a grid-point of interest? What
F(t g ), where t g is
asymptotic approximations should the statistician use for
F the MLE? Some thought shows that this hinges critically
a grid-point and
on the size of n relative to K. If n is much larger than K and the number of
individuals per time is high, the problem can be viewed as a parametric one
and a normal approximation should be adequate. If n is \not too large" rela-
tive to K, the normal approximation would be suspect and the usual Chernoff
approximation may be more ideal. As Tang et al. (2012) show, one can view
this problem in an asymptotic framework and the nature of the approximation
depends heavily on how large K = K(n) is, relative to n. Unfortunately, the
rate of growth of K(n) is unknown in practice; Tang et al. (2012) suggest a
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