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conditions. If F is twice differentiable around t 0 , it is not unreasonable to ex-
pect that appropriate estimators of F(t 0 ) will converge faster than n 1=3 . This
is suggested, firstly, by results in classical nonparametric kernel estimation of
densities and regression functions where kernel estimates of the functions of
interest exhibit the n 2=5 convergence rate under a (local) twice-differentiability
assumption on the functions and, secondly, by the work of Mammen (1991) on
kernel-based estimation of a smooth monotone function while respecting the
monotonicity constraint. In a recent paper, Groeneboom et al. (2010) provide
a detailed analysis of smoothed kernel estimates of F in the current status
Two competing estimators are proposed by Groeneboom et al. (2010): the
MSLE (maximum smoothed likelihood estimator), originally introduced by
Eggermont and LaRiccia (2001) in the context of density estimation, which
is a general likelihood-based M estimator and turns out to be automatically
smooth, and the SMLE (smoothed maximum likelihood estimator), which is
obtained by convolving the usual MLE with a smooth kernel. IfP n denotes the
empirical measure of the f i ;U i g's, the log-likelihood function can be written
l n (F) =
f log F(u) + (1 ) log(1 F(u))gdP n (;u) :
For i 2f0; 1g, dene the empirical sub-distribution functions
G n;i (u) =
1 [0;u]fig (T j ;U j ) :
Note that dP n (u;) = dG n;1 (u) + (1 ) dG n;0 (u). Now, consider a proba-
bility density k that has support [1; 1], is symmetric and twice continuously
differentiable onR; let K denote the corresponding distribution function; and
let K h (u) = K(u=h) and k h (u) = (1=h) k(u=h), where h > 0. Consider now
kernel-smoothed versions of theG n;i 's given by
G n;i (t) = R
g n;i (u) du for
i = 0; 1, where
g n;i (t) =
k h (tu) dG n;i (u) :
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