Biomedical Engineering Reference
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(A) SEM micrograph of assortment of IF-MoS 2 nanoparticles (scale bar is 200 nm); (B) TEM micrograph of
one such nanoparticle (scale bar 5 nm). Note the (nested) closed MoS 2 layers.
The synthesis of IF-MoS 2 NP from MoO 3 powder was found to be more complex. The reason
for these difficulties was the high volatility of the oxide powder above 700 C. Following a con-
certed effort to elucidate the growth mechanism of IF-MoS 2 NP [26] , a new vertical (FBR-like)
reactor was erected and used [26] , which allowed synthesis of about 0.5 g/day of high-quality IF-
MoS 2 NP. Figure 13.4A and B shows typical scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission
electron microscope (TEM) images of such NP, respectively. The NP assume the form of oblate
structure having many (
20) closed walls and small hollow core. The diameter of such NP spans
in the range of 60
150 nm with mean value of about 80 nm. When added to lubricating fluids,
these NP were found to exhibit excellent tribological behavior [27,28] .
A more recent accomplishment was the synthesis of rhenium (Re) doped IF/INT NP [29] .
Rhenium, being one-column to the right of W (Mo) on the periodic table, has five valence electrons
in its outer shell compared to four for molybdenum or tungsten. Thus, substituting about 100 Re
atoms in the IF-MoS 2 nanoparticle (
10 6 atoms) induces negative surface charge on the nanoparti-
cle surface. Such NP behave quite differently from the undoped NP. For example, the doped NP
disperse well and form stable suspensions in various fluids. They also exhibit enhanced conductiv-
ity and may find electronic applications in the future. Most importantly, adding small amounts of
such NP to lubricating fluids (poly-alpha olephin: type 4, i.e., PAO-4) leads to a precipitous reduc-
tion in the friction and wear [29,30] as shown in Figure 13.5 . These findings make the IF NP and
particularly the doped ones, very suitable for some medical applications, as explained below.
13.3.3 Self-lubricating surfaces
The idea of making self-lubricating surfaces, i.e., hard surfaces which do not require any fluid to
lubricate the contact area, is not new and has been pursued by many groups before; see for example
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