Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Nanotechnology has offered nanostructured materials like mesoporous media, nanoparticles,
nanofibers, and nanotubes, which have been demonstrated as efficient hosts of enzyme immobiliza-
tion. When nanostructured conductive materials are used, the large surface area of these nanomater-
ials can increase the enzyme loading and facilitate reaction kinetics, and thus improve the power
density of the biofuel cells. It is expected that the MEMS/NEMS based system will be applied over
the next few years to develop biocompatible powerful biofuel cells, which can be safely implanted
in the alveolus of the maxilla or mandible or in the palate to enhance orthodontic tooth movement
or rapid maxillary expansion.
11.6.3 Nanorobot delivery for oral anesthesia and improved oral hygeine
In 2000, Robert A Freitas Jr. [47] suggested that dental nanorobots can be utilized to induce oral
anesthesia. These nanorobots can be controlled by an onboard nanocomputer that executes prepro-
grammed instructions and can be delivered as colloidal suspension containing millions of active
analgesic micrometer-sized nanorobot particles on the patient's gingiva. The nanorobots might use
specific motility mechanisms to travel through human tissues with navigational precision, acquire
energy, and sense and manipulate their surroundings. They might also achieve safe cytopenetration
and use any of a multitude of techniques to monitor, interrupt, or alter nerve-impulse traffic in indi-
vidual nerve cells [48] . Freitas also proposed that these nanorobots can be guided painlessly
through the gingival sulcus, lamina propria, cementodentinal junction, dentinal tubules, and finally
reach the pulp. Moreover, this journey can be directed by a combination of chemical gradients,
temperature differentials, and even positional navigation, all under the control of the onboard
In turn, the nanocomputer would be directed by the dentist to induce anesthesia, for example, in
a specific tooth that requires treatment. More futuristic applications have been proposed by Freitas
on utilizing nanorobots to treat carious lesions, dentin hypersensitivity, and dentifrobots (nanoro-
bots in dentifrices). These could be delivered through mouthwash or toothpaste and could patrol
supra- and subgingival surfaces of teeth, performing continuous plaque/calculus removal and
metabolize trapped organic matter into harmless and odorless vapor [47] . He has also suggested
that orthodontic nanorobots could directly manipulate periodontal tissues allowing rapid, painless
tooth movement and repositioning within minutes to hours. However, it should be noted that
inflammation and bone modeling govern the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. The idea of
achieving orthodontic tooth movement within minutes to hours looks futuristic considering the time
required for the biological adaptation and remodeling processes of the periodontium that accompa-
nies orthodontic treatment.
11.7 Temporary anchorage devices
While TADs have become increasingly utilized by orthodontic professionals to assist in the process
of moving teeth, commercially available TADs exhibit a success rate of 60
51] .
Currently, TADs are manufactured with smooth titanium surfaces (pure titanium or titanium alloy
75% [49
4V)) because complete osseointegration is a disadvantage that complicates their removal.
On the other hand, lack of osseointegration is also one of the factors for the failure of TADs.
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