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fungus S. nodorum , it became respectively: the strain Bas1 - 67.0%, 9MN -
68.5%, while the strains 6VD - 73.0% and 4 VD - 80.7%.
Figure 4. shows the results of PCR—amplification of DNA from
mycelium of pathogenic fungi T. caries , U. tritici , F. culmorum , B. sorokiniana ,
S. tritici , B. bassiana using two primers: the fi rst to the ITS and the second
primer is highly specifi c to the CDA gene the pathogen S. nodorum . As it
can be seen, amplifi cation with primers to the CDA gene occurred only with
DNA extracted from mycelium of S. nodorum and the size of the amplicon
match the theoretically calculated level for this site of the gene - 387 bp
(Figure 4, track 7). In the infected tissues of wheat, CDA gene was detected
within 24 hours after inoculation (Figure 4, track 8). At the same time when
using DNA from uninfected wheat leaves as template, formation of this
amplicon did not occur (Figure 4, track 9). The absence of amplicons in the
tracks 1-6 and 9 confi rms specifi city of the primers only for the CDA gene
of the fungus S. nodorum .
It is important to note that the primers for ITS allowed us to discuss
the purity of DNA extraction and PCR analysis for DNA diagnosis on the
presence of the pathogen S. nodorum in the wheat plants. Moreover, in
contrast to the ITS primers, used in the work of J.J. Beck and J.M. Ligon
(1995) which were highly specifi c, or for S. nodorum , or for S. tritici , our
ITS primers formed amplicons with DNA from other fungi species
(Figure 4).
Figure 3. Infl uence of cultural medium of S. nodorum strains were cultivating 20 days in
Czapek liquid medium on chitin acetylated degree: C- Control chitin; 1- 4VD; 2 - 6VD;
3 - 9MN; 4- Bas1. The signifi cance of differences between strains was determined with a
t-test and indicates a difference signifi cant at the P<0.01 level .
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