Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Bioconjugation of Noble Metal
Nanoparticles and Their Applications
to Biolabeling and Bioimaging
Chen-Sheng Yeh * , Fong-Yu Cheng, and Chih-Chia Huang
Department of Chemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Noble metal nanoparticles are attractive biolabeling and bioimaging
materials in biomedicine because of their unique optical properties.
The most important purpose of in vitro biolabeling and bioimaging
is the selective and speciic observation of interesting molecules,
substrates, or regions. To reach these goals, bioconjugation of noble
metal nanoparticles are used to create novel complexes with unique
characteristics for targeting speciic molecules. The applications of
the bioconjugation of these nanoparticles depend on what substrates
are conjugated on the particle surfaces and which functions are
provided. This chapter describes the bioconjugation of noble metal
nanoparticles and their biolabeling and bioimaging applications.
2.1 Introduction
Noble metal nanoparticles have gained interest in recent years
because of their unique chemical and physical properties, and their
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