Cryptography Reference
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An example of how this method may be called follows:
BigInteger bigBoy=new BigInteger( 255 );
However, it is often not necessary to convert BigIntegers to Strings before printing them,
for we can use implicit calls to a toString() method by concatenating a BigInteger to a String
using the
concatenation operator:
BigInteger bigBoy=new BigInteger( 255 );
System.out.println( This # is: +bigBoy);
The BigInteger will be displayed in base 10.
public byte[] toByteArray()
This method converts a BigInteger into a raw array of bytes. In effect, it returns the
two ' s - complement binary representation of this number in the array, which is big-endian
(that is, the most significant byte is in the [0] position). The array contains the minimum num-
ber of bytes required to represent the number. For example, suppose b is a BigInteger hav-
ing the value 987654321=111010110111100110100010110001 base 2 . (You may wish to verify
that this is actually the base 2 representation of 987654321.) Then we make the following
byte[] a=b.toByteArray();
This will produce a byteArray of 4 bytes, assign it to
, and the most significant digits
of the BigInteger
will be first. That is,
a[2]=01101000, and
This representation is compatible with the (byte[]) constructor.
public int intValue()
This method converts this number to an int.
public long longValue()
This method converts
number to a long.
public float floatValue()
number to a float. It is similar to the double-to-float narrow-
ing primitive conversion defined in The Java Language Specification: If the number has
too great a magnitude to represent as a float, it will be converted to infinity or negative
infinity as appropriate.
This method converts
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