Cryptography Reference
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public BigInteger[] getShadows() {
return shadow;
public BigInteger[] getModuli() {
return modulus;
public BigInteger getRandomMultiplier() {
return randomMultiplier;
public BigInteger getReconstructingPrime() {
return reconstructingPrime;
Here is the KeyRebuilder class definition:
import java.math.*;
public class KeyRebuilder {
BigInteger masterKey;
//This constructor reconstructs the master key from a sequence of shadows
//and moduli. It is assumed that enough shadows are being used to do this.
//It is further assumed that the moduli are pairwise relatively prime
public KeyRebuilder(BigInteger[] shadow, BigInteger[] modulus,
BigInteger randomMultiplier, BigInteger reconstructingPrime) {
//Produce a parallel array for each Mi, product of all mj where i!=j for CRT
BigInteger[] M;
M=new BigInteger[modulus.length];
//BigM is the product of all the moduli
BigInteger BigM=new BigInteger(“1”);
for (int index=0;index<modulus.length;index++) {
//Multiply BigM by modulus[index]
//Start forming each M[index]
M[index]=new BigInteger(“1”);
for (int index2=0;index2<modulus.length;index2++) {
//If index=index2, do not multiply M[index] by m[index2]
if(index!=index2) {
BigInteger K0=new BigInteger(“0”);
//Produce K0 using the Chinese Remainder Theorem with the shadows
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