Cryptography Reference
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n should be at least 1024 bits in length. Everyone knows n , but not its two factors, p or
q .
The receiver then chooses an integer e < n , such that ( e ,( p
1)( q
1)) = 1. The value
for e is made public.
The receiver also computes a decryption key, d , which is an inverse of e modulo
( p
1)( q
1). This inverse exists since e was chosen relatively prime to ( p
( q
1). That is, d must satisfy the congruence
1 (mod ( p
1)( q
The sender of the message can send a message P < n by computing with the encipher-
ing transformation
C P e (mod n )
0 C < n .
The receiver gets the ciphertext message C , and can retrieve the plaintext by computing
P C d (mod n ).
This cipher looks remarkably similar to the Pohlig-Hellman exponentiation cipher.
Decryption worked in that case because of Fermat's Little Theorem. FLT will also help us
prove that decryption works here. Note that since
ed 1 (mod ( p 1)( q 1))
there is an integer k such that ed = 1 + k ( p 1)( q 1). Now, suppose the plaintext mes-
sage P is relatively prime to p ; that is, ( P , p ) = 1. Then, by FLT,
P p 1
1 (mod p ).
Thus, we also have the following:
P ed
P 1 k ( p 1)( q 1)
P ( P ( p 1) ) k ( q 1)
1 k ( q 1)
P (mod p ).
On the other hand, even if P is not relatively prime to p , we still have
P ed
P (mod p ),
since both sides are congruent to 0 modulo m . Similarly, we can also show that in all cases,
P ed
P (mod q ).
Now, since p and q are certainly relatively prime, by proposition 26 we have
P ed
P (mod n ).
Now, simply note that
C d
( P e ) d
P ed
P (mod n )
and we have our proof that decryption always works, whether or not the plaintext message
P is relatively prime to the modulus n .
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