Cryptography Reference
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Suppose we generate a sequence of random integers as mentioned, and we come across
a pair m q , m r such that
m q m r (mod p )
m q m r (mod n ).
It follows then that the gcd of m q m r and n ; that is, ( m q m r , n ), is a nontrivial divi-
sor of n , since
p |( m q m r )
( m q m r ).
The question is, how quickly can we find such a pair of numbers? As mentioned earlier,
this pair will surface relatively quickly if we generate the sequence randomly. We do this
in the following way:
• Start with an initial, randomly generated integer, m 0 .
• Generate successive terms in the sequence by computing
m i m i 1 2 + 1 (mod n ),
m i < n
This, of course, is not a random sequence, but it “appears to be,” and for our purposes it
will suffice. (See the chapter on cryptographic applications.) Once we have generated m 2 i
in the sequence, we check the greatest common divisor of m 2 i m i and n ; if we have
( m 2 i m i , n ) = d ,
1 < d < n ,
then, as we mentioned before, we have found a nontrivial divisor of n .
We will attempt to factor n = 356659679. Start with an initial value for m 0 , say
1260345256, and proceed to generate numbers in the sequence.
m 1 = 1260345256 2 + 1
72342499 (mod 356659679)
m 2 = 72342499 2 + 1
278250477 (mod 356659679)
Now we can compute
( m 2 m 1 , 356659679) = 1.
This fails to help us, so we continue to compute numbers in our sequence.
m 3 = 278250477 2 + 1
66447814 (mod 356659679)
m 4 = 66447814 2 + 1
333376938 (mod 356659679)
Now we compute ( m 4 m 2 , n ), which again is 1. This gives us nothing, so we continue
to compute the next two values, m 5 and m 6 , then m 7 and m 8 , and so on. We obtain a nontrivial
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