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importantly, (b) to provide feedback to the modeler, and subsequently the model,
in order to change the formulation to a higher level of fidelity.
In the PD formulation, there are many ways to change the formulation effec-
tively and with relative ease. Changing the cost functions that drive the motion is
probably the most direct and effective method for affecting the motion.
Obviously, more insight into the biology, the task, and the output will provide
better control and input into the model. Adding, removing, tightening, and relax-
ing constraints will also affect change.
The validation framework shows that the predictive model considered in this
work can predict, to a certain level, human motion during walking and box lifting.
However, the model needs additional work to capture the characteristics of natu-
ral human motion. The proposed validation method was able to localize the pro-
blems in the model and showed that it has difficulty capturing some aspects of
the task dynamics, such as the initial GRF profile and some of the task kinematics
like ankle and shoulder flexion profiles. The results from this validation frame-
work were used to locate specific abnormal characteristics in the motion determi-
nants and to provide feedback to the developers for further refinement of the
predicted lifting task.
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Bartlett, D., Li, K., Zhang, X., 2007. A relation between dynamic strength and manual
materials handling strategy affected by knowledge of strength. Hum. Factors 49,
438 446.
Blankevoort, L., Huiskes, R., 1996. Validation of a three-dimensional model of the knee. J.
Biomech. 29 (7), 955 961.
Burgess-Limerick, R., Abernethy, B., Neal, R.J., Kippers, V., 1995. Self-selected manual
lifting technique: functional consequences of the interjoint coordination. Hum. Factors
3 (2), 395 411.
Chaffin, D.B., 2002. On simulating human reach motions for ergonomic analysis. Hum.
Factor Ergon. Man. 12 (3), 235 247.
Chaffin, D.B., 2009. The evolving role of biomechanics in prevention of overexertion inju-
ries. Ergonomics 52 (1), 3 14.
Dubowsky, S.R., Rasmussen, J., Sisto, S.A., Langrana, N.A., 2008. Validation of a muscu-
loskeletal model of wheelchair propulsion and its application to minimizing shoulder
joint forces. J. Biomech. 41 (14), 2981 2988.
Garling, E.H., Kaptein, B.L., Mertens, B., Barendregt, W., Veeger, H.E.J., Neilissen, R.G.
H.H., et al., 2007. Soft-tissue artefact assessment during step-up using fluoroscopy and
skin-mounted markers. J. Biomech. 40, S18 S24.
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