Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 7.2
Foot Contacting Conditions: Four Modes in a Step
Double support
Single support
Double support
Right toe
Left heel
Left ball
Left toe
Left heel
Left ball
Left toe
Right heel
Retrieve GRF from global equilibrium
M GRF , F GRF , o r GRF
q, q, q and GRF = 0
Calculate τ from EOM again
Calculate τ from EOM
Obtain real joint torques
Global Force: 0
Obtain the resultant active
forces : τ 1 , τ 2 , τ 3
Flow chart of the two-step algorithm to obtain GRF and real joint torques.
active forces, to recover the real joint torques. This two-step algorithm is depicted
in Figure 7.6 and explained as follows:
Step 1
q , external loads and gravity, the
joint torques are calculated using the inverse recursive Lagrangian dynamics
without the GRF. This is illustrated in Figure 7.6 . The global forces
: Given current state variables q ,
q , and
τ 1 ,
τ 2 ,
τ 3
and moments
τ 6 in the virtual branch are not zero at this stage due to
exclusion of GRF. These forces are in fact the resultants of the active forces at
the end of the virtual branch, i.e., the pelvis. After that, the ZMP is calculated
using these forces, as explained in the following subsection.
Step 2
τ 4 ,
τ 5 ,
: This step is illustrated in Figure 7.6 . Considering the global equilibrium
between the resultant active forces and the GRF at ZMP, the resultant GRF are
obtained and then treated as external forces applied at ZMP for the human
model, such as the forces f and h in Equations (7.5 7.9) .Giventhestate
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