Graphics Reference
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Fig. 11.13 The specular value of the bricks in this photo has been increased because they are wet
from rain
Fig. 11.14 The metal panels and windows of this building are highly refl ective, causing neighbor-
ing objects to be refl ected in them. Any texture based on photos of these panels will have to be
signifi cantly edited to remove the refl ections
of a refection as part of a map. The difference is that a refl ection map will change
based on the view angle to the object, but a refl ection baked into a texture will not.
If your camera or subject moves while the camera shutter is open, the resulting
image will have some blur (Fig. 11.15 ). If the camera moved, the entire frame will
be blurred. If something in your shot moved, then it will be blurred. If depth of fi eld
is too narrow, even if there is no movement, parts of the image will be blurred.
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