Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.7 The curve resolution in this alignment illusion is acceptable because the curves do not
appear noticeably segmented (Model courtesy of Lauren Lapierre Armande)
an LOD chain will be named with an LOD identifi er so that the render engine
knows which LOD it is, and when it should be replaced with a different model in
the same chain.
When you build something, always keep in mind not just the maximum size it
will be when rendered, but also whether increasingly fi ne levels of detail are visible
when the object is in motion. Every polygon you make is another piece of data to
be tracked, and to potentially go wrong. If you don't need it, it shouldn't be there.
Exercise: Alignment Illusion, Part 2
Please open your Alignment Illusion fi le and check the render resolution. For this
project, the output resolution is a rendered image at High Defi nition (HD) resolu-
tion. This is 1,920 × 1,080 pixels. The aspect ratio of your image won't match this
exactly, so you should fi t it into HD resolution.
Your curve resolution should be high enough to prevent the appearance of
segmentation in smooth arches and circles (Fig. 7.7 ). If this is not true of your
model, you should rebuild those portions of your model at a higher resolution. The
exception to this is if the arch in your reference drawing is made of straight line
segments. If that is the case, then you should use the same number of segments
found in the drawing.
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