Chemistry Reference
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s - C 2v ( x )
su - C s ( xz )
st E-RPR ' - C 2 ( x )
s Z-RS ' - C s ( xy )
Fig. 19 Three-dimensional projections of the syn -folded conformations of homomerous,
heteromerous, and disubstituted BAEs including their point group symmetry operators
syn -Folded Conformations
Symmetric syn -folded conformations of homomerous BAEs may have point group
C 2v ( x ). Non-equivalent tricyclic moieties in heteromerous BAEs lead to su- C s ( xz ),
which has the same point group as au- C s ( xz ) (Fig. 18 ) and f- C s ( xz ).
E -Disubstitution leads to st E-RPR 0 - C 2 ( x ), with the same point group as ts E-RPR 0 - C 2
( x ) (Fig. 16 ). Z -Disubstitution results in s Z-RS 0 - C s ( xy ), a meso conformation. In the
last case, twisting is not compatible with the point group. Typical examples of syn -
folded conformations are illustrated in Fig. 19 .
Folded Conformations
The folded conformation f- C s ( xz ) may be envisioned as a conformation with one
folded and one (nearly) planar moiety, as, e.g., in the folded conformation of
fluorenylidene-xanthene (5) (Fig. 20 ). For homomerous and heteromerous BAEs,
such a conformation may have C s ( xz ) symmetry. Moreover, the conformational
type f- C s ( xz ) may also be used to describe folded conformations with unequal
degrees of folding, when it is not known whether the relative direction of folding is
syn or anti (au- C s ( xz )orsu- C s ( xz )). Twisting the central ethylene group reduces
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