Chemistry Reference
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Disubstitution (one substituent on each tricyclic moiety) gives rise to E - and Z -
stereoisomers. It should be noted that the systematic nomenclature gives substitu-
ents on both moieties the lowest possible number, irrespective of their E -or Z -
relationship. Stereoisomers are distinguished by prefixes ( E )- and ( Z )-. Thus atoms
1 and 1 0 are cis in Z -isomers, but trans in E -isomers. In order to maintain a
consistent atom-labeling scheme for unsubstituted BAEs, as well as for E - and
for Z -disubstituted BAEs, this rule will be disregarded in the discussions of the
conformations and dynamic stereochemistry below. The labeled general structure
shown in Fig. 1 will be considered as the rigid molecular framework (see above)
and the cis relationship of positions 1 and 1 0 , etc. in the reference version of the
framework will be maintained regardless of the substitution pattern and E , Z -isom-
erizations. E -isomers thus have their substituents, e.g., at carbon atoms 2 and 7 0 .
Furthermore, the orientation of the molecular framework (before the application of
permutations or permutation-inversions) will always be kept fixed as in Fig. 1 with
positions 1 and 1 0 on the left-hand-side (negative y -axis direction) and the unprimed
moiety with bridge X at the top (positive z -axis direction). Thus, an alternative
orientation of the molecule in space (rotated by 180 about the z -axis) may be
defined by placing substituents at positions 7 and 2 0 .
4.1.2 Conformational Types
The following classification scheme of the types of conformations of overcrowded
bistricyclic aromatic enes may be adopted:
￿ Planar conformations, p
￿ Orthogonally twisted conformations, t
￿ Twisted conformations, t
￿ anti -Folded conformations, a
￿ syn -Folded conformations, s
￿ Folded conformations with a planar (or nearly planar) second moiety, f
￿ Twisted/ anti -folded conformations, ta
￿ Twisted/ syn -folded conformations, ts
￿ Twisted/folded conformations, tf
￿ anti -Folded/twisted conformations, at
￿ anti -Folded conformations with unequal degrees of folding, au
￿ syn -Folded/twisted conformations, st
￿ syn -Folded conformations with unequal degrees of folding, su
￿ Folded/twisted conformations, ft
￿ Planar central ethylene group with propeller twisted tricyclic moieties, pt
The basic conformational types are schematically illustrated in Fig. 12 . Here the
circle and its center point represent the double bond in a Newman-like projection.
The lines represent the tricyclic moieties by indicating the positions 1, 8, 1 0 , and
8 0 in the overcrowded fjord regions.
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