Chemistry Reference
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energies, folding and twisting of homomerous and heteromerous BAEs by system-
atically varying the bridges using a series of six different functional groups X,Y and
a polycyclic system [ 2 ]. Likewise, the conformational space and dynamic stereo-
chemistry of five representative homomerous BAEs has been studied in detail with
PM3 [ 3 ]. Recently the availability of sufficient computational power and develop-
ment of efficient algorithms made ab initio electronic structure calculations of
BAEs feasible. Density functional theory (DFT) including hybrid density func-
tionals overcame the systematic bias of single-determinant Hartree-Fock against
twisted conformations [ 141 ]. This allows a theoretical understanding of, e.g.,
thermochromism, the singlet-triplet gap in the highly twisted bis-dibenzo[ a,i ]
fluprenylidene [ 45 ], and the prediction of BAE properties based on DFT calcula-
tions. Recently experimental studies of BAEs often also include DFT calculations
to enhance the understanding of the observed phenomena, e.g., [ 59 , 67 , 76 , 78 , 177 ,
178 , 204 ]. NMR spectra of the 1,1 0 -difluoro-derivatives of bifluorenylidene (2)
show through-space coupling across the fjords, in particular J (F,F) in the Z -diaste-
reomer and J (F,H) in the E -diastereomer [ 205 - 207 ]. This highlights the close
proximity of the bucking atoms. The Z -diastereomer has a higher equilibrium
concentration than the E -diastereomer, indicating a lower energy. DFT calculations
revealed that this is due to a combination of steric strain and electrostatic interac-
tions [ 205 ]. The calculated structures are twisted with additional anti - and syn -
pyramidalization of the Z - and E -diastereomers, respectively, in agreement with
symmetry considerations (see below, Fig. 17 ). DFT calculations also helped to
elucidate the mechanism of the unexpected rearrangement in the course of a
Peterson olefination, in which, instead of the target - the angularly annelated
benzo[ a ]bifluorenylidene (28) - its linearly annelated constitutional isomer benzo
[ b ]fluorenylidene (29) was formed [ 208 ].
2.8 Applications
The thermochromic, piezochromic, photochromic, and electrochromic properties of
BAEs call for applications as molecular switches and functional materials.
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