Database Reference
In-Depth Information
@ReferenceID [bigint] {Default} -reference to
Execution Environment
@ObjectType [smallint] -identifier related to
PackageType property
Guessing: @ObjectType == PackageType.ordinal
(1-based-array) * 10
Must be 20, 30, or 50 for
stored procedure
1. Create and deploy an SSIS Package to the SSIS
2. Exec custom.execute_catalog_package and pass
it the
following parameters: @FolderName,
@ProjectName, @PackageName, @ExecutionID Output
@LoggingLevel, @Use32BitRunTime, @ReferenceID,
and @ObjectType are optional and
defaulted parameters.
Declare @ExecId bigint
Exec custom.execute_catalog_package
,@ExecId Output
3. When execution completes, an Execution_Id
value should be returned.
View the SSIS Catalog Reports to determine the
status of the execution
instance and the test.
Create Procedure custom.execute_catalog_package
@FolderName nvarchar(128)
,@ProjectName nvarchar(128)
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