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+ ' already exists in the Framework with ExecutionOrder '
+ convert(varchar, @ExecutionOrder)
Retrieving SSIS Applications in SSIS
Return to SSDT-BI and open the editor for the Get Package Metadata Execute SQL
task. Change the ResultSet property from Single Row to Full Result Set and change the
SQLStatement property to cfg.GetSSISApplication . Set the IsQueryStoredPro-
cedure property to True . On the Parameter Mapping page, click the Add button. Click
the drop-down in the Variable Name column and select <New variable…> (you will
probably need to scroll up to find <New variable...>). In the Add Variable window,
make sure the Container property is set to Parent. Change the Name property to Ap-
plicationName . The Namespace should be User and the Value Type property should
be set to String. For the Value property, enter SSISApp1 . The Add Variable window
should appear as shown in Figure A-8 .
Figure A-8 . Adding the ApplicationName variable
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