Database Reference
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Figure A-3 . Package deployment model
Add a new SSIS package and rename it Parent.dtsx . Add an Execute Package
task to the control flow of Parent.dtsx . Rename the Execute Package task Execute
Child Package and open the editor. On the Package page, set the Location property to
File System and click the drop-down for the Connection property value. Click <New
connection…> to configure a new file connection manager. Set the File Connection
Manager Editor's Usage Type property to Existing File . Browse to the location of the
SSISConfig2014 project and select Child1.dtsx . Click the OK button to close
the File Connection Manager Editor and click OK again to close the Execute Package
Task Editor. Note the file connection manager that was created when you were config-
uring the Execute Package task. It is named Child1.dtsx ; rename it Child.dtsx .
Test the Parent.dtsx package by executing it in the SSDT debugger. If all goes
as planned, Child1.dtsx will execute and display the message box shown in Figure
A-1 . Acknowledge the message box and stop the debugger.
This is the parent-child pattern in action. You can improve upon the parent-child
with a little metadata. How? I'm glad you asked. First, add an SSIS variable named
ChildPackagePath (String) . Click on the Child.dtsx connection man-
ager, and then press F4 to display properties. The ConnectionString property of
the file connection manager is the path to the file. Select the ConnectionString
property, copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it into the Value property of the
ChildPackagePath SSIS variable. Return to the properties of the file connection
manager named Child.dtsx and click the ellipsis in the Value textbox of the Ex-
pressions property. When the Property Expressions Editor displays, select Connec-
tionString from the Property drop-down, as shown in Figure A-4 .
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