Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import
<# var connection
= SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode("SchemaProvider",
"Data Source=(local);Initial
Security=SSPI;"); #>
<# var tables = connection.GenerateTableNodes(); #>
The code in Listing 19-18 imports the System.Data and Vari-
gence.Hadron.CoreLowerer.SchemaManagement namespaces into the
Biml file. A variable named connection is created and assigned the value of a
SchemaManager ConnectionNode object, which is aimed at the SSISIncrement-
alLoad_Source database. The connection variable supports another variable
named tables . The tables variable is populated from a call to the connection
variable's GenerateTableNodes() method, which populates tables with the
list of tables found in the SSISIncremetalLoad_Source database.
After the <Biml> tag, add a Connections XML node that contains two Connection
child nodes so that your Biml file now appears as shown in Listing 19-19 .
Listing 19-19 . Adding Connections to the GenerateStagingPackages.biml File
<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import
<# var connection
= SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode("SchemaProvider",
"Data Source=(local);Initial
SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"); #>
<# var tables = connection.GenerateTableNodes(); #>
<Biml xmlns=" ">
<Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source"
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