Database Reference
In-Depth Information
There remains one more Execute SQL task to complete our incremental load SSIS
package. This task will update the Destination table by applying the rows stored in the
"dbo.stgUpdates" table using a single Update T-SQL statement. Applying the
updates in this fashion is generally faster than updating each row individually.
To continue developing the demo code, add an ExecuteSQL XML node immedi-
ately following the </Dataflow> tag with the following attribute name and value
Name : Apply stgUpdates
ConnectionName : SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
Immediately following the <ExecuteSQL> tag, add a PrecedenceConstraints
node, followed by an Inputs node. Inside the <Inputs> tag add an Input node con-
taining an attribute named OutputPathName set to the value "Load
tblDest.Output" . Add a DirectInput node immediately following the
</PrecedenceConstraints> tag. Inside the <DirectInput> tags, add the
following T-SQL statement.
Update Dest
Set Dest.ColA = Upd.ColA
,Dest.ColB = Upd.ColB
,Dest.ColC = Upd.ColC
From tblDest Dest
Join stgUpdates Upd
On Upd.ColID = Dest.ColID
Believe it or not, that's it! If your Biml looks like Listing 19-13 , you should have
compilable metadata.
Listing 19-13 . The Complete IncrementalLoad.biml Listing
<Biml xmlns=" ">
<Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source"
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